Academic Publication
“Talk is cheap, writing is priceless.”
Publication Record since 2021
Seong-Jo Jeong, Heeyoung Lee, and Chan S. Suh*. “Moving Apart, Coming Together: The Formation of an LGBTQ Movement Community in South Korea.” Journal of Homosexuality: forthcoming [link].
Eunsoo Cho, Seulsam Lee, and Chan S. Suh*. “Between Ethnic Diversity and Immigration: Perceptions toward Immigrants in a Globalizing World.” Social Science Reseach 117: 102945 [link].
Kayoon Kim and Chan S. Suh*. “Mobilizing Grievances in the Internet Age: The Case of National Online Petitioning in South Korea, 2017-2022.” PLOS ONE: 19(5): e0302373 [link].
Jeong-Woo Koo, Chan S. Suh, Jin Won Chung*, Kyung-Ah Sohn, and Kyungsik Han. “The Hatred of All against All? Evidence from Online Community Platforms in South Korea.” PLOS ONE: 19(5): e0300530 [link].
Sejung Yoon, Joon Hyung Lee, and Chan S. Suh*. “Emotional Pathway to Participation: Emotional Intimacy with Social Minorities and Engagement in Activism in South Korea.” Journal of Asian Sociology 53(2): 127-149 [link].
Shin Haeng Lee and Chan S. Suh*. “Who Participates in Politics, and How? Age, Education, and the Different Forms of Political Participation in South Korea (누가 어떻게 정치에 참여하는가? 연령과 교육 수준에 따른 정치 참여 양상의 차이를 중심으로).” Survey Research 25(3): 55-80 [link].
Chan S. Suh, Yisook Lim, and Harris Hyun-soo Kim*. “Ready to Rumble? Popularity, Status Ambiguity, and Interpersonal Violence Among School-Based Children.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 38(3-4): 3612–3636 [link].
Chan S. Suh. “Asian Exceptionalism? International Norms, Democracy, and Human Rights in Asia (아시아 예외주의? 국제규범, 민주주의, 그리고 아시아 인권).” In Jaeyeol Yee and Jungwon Huh, eds., Reading Asia through Relations and Flow. Seoul, South Korea: Zininzin.
Chan S. Suh and Sidney G. Tarrow*. “Suppression by Stealth: The Partisan Response to Protest in State Legislatures.” Politics & Society 50(3): 455-484 [link].
Sang Lee, Hyogyoung Kim, Chan S. Suh*, and Kwang-Young Shin. “Democracy, Civil Society, and the Rise of Mental Disability Rights Movement (민주주의와 시민사회, 그리고 정신장애 인권운동의 등장).” Journal of Democracy and Human Rights 22(2): 5-35 [link].
Hyogyoung Kim and Chan S. Suh*. “Bully Victimization, Social Withdrawal, and Loneliness among Multicultural Adolescents in South Korea: A Longitudinal Analysis (집단괴롭힘 경험이 다문화 배경 청소년에게 미치는 정서적 영향에 대한 분석: 사회적 위축과 외로움을 중심으로),” Journal of Social Sciences 61(3): 437-458 [link].
Chan S. Suh*. “In the Smoke of the People’s Opium: The Influence of Religious Beliefs and Activities on Protest Participation.” International Sociology 36(3): 378-397 [link].
Hyun J. Kim and Chan S. Suh*. “Spreading the Sharing Economy: Institutional Conditions for the International Diffusion of Uber, 2010-2017.” PLOS ONE 16(3): e0248038 [link].
Seong-Jo Jeong, Heeyoung Lee, and Chan S. Suh*. “Moving Apart, Coming Together: The Formation of an LGBTQ Movement Community in South Korea.” Journal of Homosexuality: forthcoming [link].
Eunsoo Cho, Seulsam Lee, and Chan S. Suh*. “Between Ethnic Diversity and Immigration: Perceptions toward Immigrants in a Globalizing World.” Social Science Reseach 117: 102945 [link].
Kayoon Kim and Chan S. Suh*. “Mobilizing Grievances in the Internet Age: The Case of National Online Petitioning in South Korea, 2017-2022.” PLOS ONE: 19(5): e0302373 [link].
Jeong-Woo Koo, Chan S. Suh, Jin Won Chung*, Kyung-Ah Sohn, and Kyungsik Han. “The Hatred of All against All? Evidence from Online Community Platforms in South Korea.” PLOS ONE: 19(5): e0300530 [link].
Sejung Yoon, Joon Hyung Lee, and Chan S. Suh*. “Emotional Pathway to Participation: Emotional Intimacy with Social Minorities and Engagement in Activism in South Korea.” Journal of Asian Sociology 53(2): 127-149 [link].
Shin Haeng Lee and Chan S. Suh*. “Who Participates in Politics, and How? Age, Education, and the Different Forms of Political Participation in South Korea (누가 어떻게 정치에 참여하는가? 연령과 교육 수준에 따른 정치 참여 양상의 차이를 중심으로).” Survey Research 25(3): 55-80 [link].
Chan S. Suh, Yisook Lim, and Harris Hyun-soo Kim*. “Ready to Rumble? Popularity, Status Ambiguity, and Interpersonal Violence Among School-Based Children.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 38(3-4): 3612–3636 [link].
Chan S. Suh. “Asian Exceptionalism? International Norms, Democracy, and Human Rights in Asia (아시아 예외주의? 국제규범, 민주주의, 그리고 아시아 인권).” In Jaeyeol Yee and Jungwon Huh, eds., Reading Asia through Relations and Flow. Seoul, South Korea: Zininzin.
Chan S. Suh and Sidney G. Tarrow*. “Suppression by Stealth: The Partisan Response to Protest in State Legislatures.” Politics & Society 50(3): 455-484 [link].
Sang Lee, Hyogyoung Kim, Chan S. Suh*, and Kwang-Young Shin. “Democracy, Civil Society, and the Rise of Mental Disability Rights Movement (민주주의와 시민사회, 그리고 정신장애 인권운동의 등장).” Journal of Democracy and Human Rights 22(2): 5-35 [link].
Hyogyoung Kim and Chan S. Suh*. “Bully Victimization, Social Withdrawal, and Loneliness among Multicultural Adolescents in South Korea: A Longitudinal Analysis (집단괴롭힘 경험이 다문화 배경 청소년에게 미치는 정서적 영향에 대한 분석: 사회적 위축과 외로움을 중심으로),” Journal of Social Sciences 61(3): 437-458 [link].
Chan S. Suh*. “In the Smoke of the People’s Opium: The Influence of Religious Beliefs and Activities on Protest Participation.” International Sociology 36(3): 378-397 [link].
Hyun J. Kim and Chan S. Suh*. “Spreading the Sharing Economy: Institutional Conditions for the International Diffusion of Uber, 2010-2017.” PLOS ONE 16(3): e0248038 [link].
The asterisk symbol * indicates the corresponding author of the paper.
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