Da Move Lab (다무브랩) provides a platform on which graduate researchers can develop their ideas on social movements, human rights, and social networks. The lab is organized by Chan S. Suh (서찬석), Associate Professor and Chair of Sociology at Chung-Ang University (CAU) in South Korea.
On the Move in 2024
This summer, three papers on political participation have been published at the Journal of Asian Sociology, Survey Research, and the Journal of Homosexuality, respectively. The first paper, entitled “Emotional Pathway to Activism”, illuminates the emotional foundation upon which one decides to engage in activism. The second one, “Who Participates in Politics and How?”, examines the effects of age and education on the different forms of political participation. The final one, titled “Moving Apart, Coming Together”, focuses on the emergence and development of the LGBTQ movement community in South Korea.
Two of our lab members, Hyogyoung Kim and Shin Haeng Lee, have attended and completed the ICPSR summer program in Quantitative Methods at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor – with support from Du-Myeong Fellowship. After completing the program, Hyogyoung Kim has presented her research on immigration at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association.
Two papers on online platforms have been published at PLOS ONE, an international journal in the field of science. The paper titled “Mobilizing Grievances in the Internet Age” has started as an undergraduate thesis by Kayoon Kim and developed as a collaborative work with Chan S. Suh. The other paper, “The Hatred of All against All?”, is a study that Chan S. Suh and his colleagues have conducted on online hateful expression.
Our collaborative research by Eunsoo Cho, Seulsam Lee, and Chan S. Suh, entitled “Between Ethnic Diversity and Immigration”, has been published at Social Science Research, a prestigious international journal in social sciences. The initial idea of the paper was first proposed in the undergraduate thesis by Eunsoo Cho at Chung-Ang Sociology in 2021.
On the Move in 2023
Sidney Tarrow, emiritus professor at Cornell University who is recognized for his pioneering research in social movements and contentious politics, has sent a message to our lab: “Congratulations on the launch of Da Move, the first —and so far the only— Korean lab to focus on the actions and the strategies of social movements. I welcome the fact that the Asian country with the most active social movement scene will take the lead in research on social movement activism.”
중앙대 사회학과 ‘다무브랩’